
Veneers, procedures

A veneer is a thin piece of porcelain laminate that is placed on top of a tooth to improve its appearance or overall structure. Veneers are a great option for anyone who’s not 100% satisfied with the color, shape or contour of their teeth. It is also a great option to treat fractured, chipped or misaligned teeth.

Veneers are custom made to fit your teeth, and unlike normal teeth won’t stain from tea, coffee of cigarette smoke. Veneers are a permanent solution to a bright white smile, that’s why they’ve become so popular with celebrities and public figures.


If you’re interested in getting veneers for your teeth, the very first step is to arrange a consultation with us. This visit will help you find out whether or not veneers are the best option for you. We’ll start by conducting an assessment of your teeth, then go through exactly what you’d like to change to find out what you consider your perfect smile.

From there our team will create a diagnostic mock-up which you will be able to try on to see if you’re happy with the way it looks. Alternatively they’ll use what’s called cosmetic imaging to show you a photo of what your teeth (and smile) will look like with veneers. Once you’re happy with the results, we’ll move on to the next step.


To apply a veneer, we’ll need to remove a thin layer from the front of your tooth, usually less than a millimeter. This ensures that your new veneer feels 100% natural and doesn’t bulge out in any way or get in the way of your natural bite.

We'll then place a light sensitive resin adhesive between the tooth and veneer and harden it with specialized curing light. That’s it! After a week, you’ll come back into our offices for a check-up to make sure your teeth are taking to the veneers. Once that's done you can expect a picture perfect smile for the next 7 to 20 years. 


One of the biggest advantages of veneers is that it’s almost impossible to tell the difference between them and natural teeth. Aside from the fact that veneers don’t stain like regular teeth, and are in many cases a lot stronger.

Veneers in contrast to crowns allow you to keep your natural teeth largely intact, using them as the foundation and simply adding a layer of white porcelain on top. And where on occasion some teeth are resistant to regular whitening measures, veneers act as a perfect solution.

When it comes to the maintenance of a porcelain veneer, just like normal teeth, veneers should be brushed and flossed routinely. There are no extra requirements for taking care of porcelain veneers, but in most cases we advise using non-abrasive fluoride toothpaste to care for them.

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